About Us


Attorney Michael E. Ripley and The Team

The San Diego Law Office of Attorney Michael E. Ripley provides legal services to Individuals and Small Businesses in the Southern California region, including San Diego, Orange, and Riverside counties.  Our legal team can help those who are seeking legal help in the following areas of law;  Litigation in Business, Civil, Insurance and Real Estate matters, Personal Injury and Serious Accident Cases, Personal Injury Defense.

Dedication to Our Clients

The management team at the Law Office of Michael E. Ripley has more than 50 years of total experience in Law, Real Estate and Loan Modification. In its loan modification work, our office wokrs hard to help people stay in their homes by working toward successful resolutions with lenders.

Our clients appreciate that we are diligent, resourceful and keep fighting for them.

We will not give up and neither should You!
